What is zoom pro
What is zoom pro

Typically, webinar attendees do not interact with one another. Webinars are ideal for large audiences or events that are open to the public. Think of webinars like a virtual lecture hall or auditorium. Zoom meetings are ideal for hosting more interactive sessions where you’ll want to have lots of audience participation or break your session into smaller groups. See Using the Zoom App Guide for more information. Users can sign in to their UAB Zoom account on the Zoom app (mobile or desktop) by choosing 'Sign in with SSO', typing in UAB as the domain, and providing their BlazerID and Password. Users can access and sign into their UAB Zoom account at  in a web browser. See Zoom for Teachers Guide for more information. Meetings should only be scheduled here if the desired attendees are the students of that course. Instructors can access Zoom within their Canvas courses by clicking the Zoom tab in the course navigation. If approved, the provisioned pro account will be returned to back to basic at the end of that academic year (July 31st). Students requesting a licensed(pro) account will be required to provide contact information for their supervisor so that their reason can be confirmed. Students that need to meet longer than 40 minutes, they can fill out the UA system account request form. Limited to 40 minute meetings (When three or more participants join).

What is zoom pro